Our Sailing Year in Numbers

Farewells, changes and new beginnings characterized the year 2024 for us. In February we packed our life as it was into a few square meters of storage space and built a new home on the boat. Many things turned out as we expected, some things went differently and some things surprised us. The experiences and events were so condensed that it is already difficult to remember everything. It felt like this year’s journey offered as much story material as maybe ten years of vacation traveling. To summarize the year in a nutshell, we have selected a few facts and figures that might give at least a small insight into our long-distance cruise in 2024.
Nautical miles traveled: 5,929 nm (equals 10,980 Kilometer)
Countries traveled: 6 (France, England, Spain, Portugal, Cape Verde, Barbados)
Islands visited: 13 (Île d’Yeu, Île de Batz, Guernsey, Isle of Wight, Illas Cíes, Illa de Arousa, Porto Santo, Madeira, La Palma, La Gomera, Gran Canaria, São Vicente, Barbados)
Ports of call: 36
Anchor bays: 30
Longest stay: 14 days in Vigo (apart from Les Sables d’Olonne as a port of departure and Pasito Blanco to prepare for the Atlantic)
Navigated rivers: 8 (Goyen, Aber Ildut, River Medina, Newtown River, Lymington River, River Dart, Kingsbridge Estuary, Helford River)
Caught fish: 6 (5 Mahis, 1 Tuna)
Whole days at sea : 31 (4 across the Bay of Biscay, 4 to Porto Santo, 2 to the Canary Islands, 7 to Cape Verde, 14 to Barbados)
Maximum boat speed: 10.7 kn stw (Atlantic crossing day 8)
Maximum wind speed en route: 34 kn (Atlantic crossing day 12)
Maximum heel: 30 degrees (at the Oceanvolt certification test off Les Sables d’Olonne)
Engine hours: 276 (in calm conditions or when approaching or leaving harbors and anchorages)
Generator hours: 118 (or charging the lithium battery bank)
Minimal water temperature: 13.3 °C (55.9 F) in April in La Rochelle
Maximal water temperature: 29.9 °C (85.8 F) in December in Barbados
Minimal outside temperaturer: 5.3 °C (41.6 F) in April in La Rochelle
Maximum outside temperature: 34.4 °C (93.9 F) in November in Gran Canaria